Welcome to Tracker, NHMRC’s fortnightly newsletter with the latest information on major activities and funding opportunities.
Final call for NHMRC Biennial Awards 2025 nominations
Do you know a researcher who is an excellent leader in their field or who has made outstanding contributions to the health and medical research sector?
Nominations for the 2025 Biennial Awards are open and will close on Friday 31 January 2025.
There are 6 categories, including a brand-new award for 2025:
• Consumer Involvement Award
• Ethics and Integrity Award
• Research Quality Award
• Science to Art Award
• Outstanding Contribution Award*
• Peer Review Excellence Award (NEW)*.
*Nominations for these awards are by invitation only and will be identified by the office of NHMRC.
Please contact NHMRC.awards@nhmrc.gov.au for assistance.
National Health and Medical Research Strategy survey
A survey has been developed to obtain the views of stakeholders about the National Health and Medical Research Strategy and its development, following the introductory webinar held on 5 December 2024 - chaired by Ms Rosemary Huxtable AO PSM.
If you haven’t already done so, please complete the National Health and Medical Research Strategy webinar survey.
The closing date for the survey is Friday 28 February 2025.
More information is available on the Department of Health and Aged Care National Health and Medical Research Strategy website.
Invitation for public submissions: NHMRC third party guidelines
Australian Pregnancy Care Guidelines and Australian Postnatal Care Guidelines
The Living Evidence for Australian Pregnancy and Postnatal Care (LEAPP) consortium is seeking NHMRC approval under section 14A of the National Health and Medical Research Council Act 1992 for its Australian Pregnancy Care Guidelines and Australian Postnatal Care Guidelines.
Consultation on recommendations from both guidelines are open and will close on Friday 7 February 2025.
The draft Pregnancy Care living recommendations are additions to the preeclampsia prevention section relating to taking aspirin and low molecular weight heparin, use of ultrasound to identify structural anomalies, fetal growth monitoring, fetal heart rate monitoring and advice on medicines use during pregnancy.
The draft Postnatal Care living recommendations relate to advice on medicines use postnatally and while breastfeeding.
Find out more about the 5 year Australian Pregnancy and Postnatal Care Living Guidelines project on the LEAPP Guidelines’ website.
Australian and New Zealand Living Clinical Guidelines for Stroke Management
The Stroke Foundation is seeking NHMRC approval under section 14A of the National Health and Medical Research Council Act 1992 for its Australian and New Zealand Living Clinical Guidelines for Stroke Management.
Consultation on recommendations is open now and will close on Friday 28 February 2025.
The draft living recommendations are:
• New recommendation for acute blood pressure lowering for acute intracerebral haemorrhage and modification of existing recommendation to focus only on ischaemic stroke
• New recommendation for care bundle approach to intracerebral haemorrhage
• Several new and updated recommendations for thrombolysis.
Find out more on the Stroke Foundation website.
NHMRC approved third party guidelines
On 2 January 2025 NHMRC approved the recommendations of the following guidelines under section 14A of the National Health and Medical Research Council Act 1992.
The Australian and New Zealand Living Clinical Guidelines for Stroke Management developed by the Stroke Foundation. This version adds a new recommendation to the guidelines’ self-management chapter on participant-led self-management interventions.
The Australian Pregnancy Care Guidelines developed by the LEAPP project. This version adds 23 new and updated recommendations relating to the risk of preterm birth and risk of preeclampsia.
The Australian Postnatal Care Guidelines developed by the LEAPP project. This version adds 18 new recommendations relating to the management of secondary postpartum haemorrhage, perineal health and healing, and preeclampsia and hypertension.
Seeking methodological reviewers
NHMRC is seeking suppliers to conduct methodological reviews of the evidence evaluations being planned to commission and support the 2013 Australian Dietary Guidelines revision.
Methodological reviewers will assess the quality of the evidence evaluations (scoping and systematic reviews and their associated technical reports).
NHMRC encourage interested, eligible organisations to review the requirements documentation published and apply through Austender.
If you have any questions, please contact tenders@nhmrc.gov.au
Applications close on Friday 31 January 2025 at 15:00 AEDT.
NHMRC impact case study: Establishing kidney transplantation
Establishing kidney transplantation
The kidneys are vital organs within the body and until the mid-20th century, renal failure was often deadly.
NHMRC-funded researchers helped transform kidney transplantation into a leading healthcare service in Australia by developing preservation solutions, storage methods, and establishing the Australian and New Zealand Dialysis and Transplant (ANZDATA) registry.
Today, kidney transplantation in Australia continues to be world-leading, supported by central coordination, collaboration, and the ANZDATA registry. Read more about this and other positive impacts arising from NHMRC grant funding in our impact case studies.
National Statement on Animal Welfare
All Australian, State and Territory Agriculture Ministers have endorsed Australia’s first National Statement on Animal Welfare.
NHMRC was involved with the development of the Statement, which identifies opportunities for sustainable improvements for Australia’s animal welfare system and sets the vision for the renewal of the Australian Animal Welfare Strategy. Supporting documents for the Statement include a case study about non-animal models.
Further information is available from the National Statement on Animal Welfare webpage.
Funding for innovations to replace, reduce and refine animal use
NHMRC welcomes funding applications into the development and validation of models, methods, tools and methodologies to replace, reduce and refine animal use in health and medical research.
Proposals for funding must meet the specific criteria for the relevant scheme in NHMRC’s Grant Program, and must demonstrate a direct relationship with, or significance for, improvement in human health.
Information on the 3Rs ('replacement', 'reduction' and 'refinement') of animal use can be found on NHMRC’s website.
Learn more about emerging innovations in non-animal models on CSIRO’s website.
Funding announced for Australian research collaborations with EU partners
NHMRC is investing $1.5 million to support Australian researchers to form international collaborations and strengthen the impact of research innovation - all while tackling global health challenges such as flaviviruses and mental illness.
NHMRC funding provided through this scheme supports the Australian component of the collaborative partnership, while the international research partners will be funded by their respective funding agencies.
Funding details are available on NHMRC’s outcomes of funding rounds webpage.
Australian Research Integrity Committee Annual Report to Sector 2023-24
The Australian Research Integrity Committee (ARIC) has released its Annual Report to Sector 2023–24.
The ARIC Annual Report provides information on the reviews undertaken by ARIC, including the types of issues raised and key lessons to promote best practice in managing research integrity concerns.
The report is available on ARIC’s webpage.
Key NHMRC grant program dates
Please see the Funding schemes and calendar page.
Medical Research Future Fund – grant opportunities key dates
The following MRFF grant opportunities have minimum data due dates approaching:
2024 Genomics Health Futures Grant Opportunity (GO7221)
- Minimum data due by Wednesday 22 January 2025 at 17:00 AEDT
- Applications close on Wednesday 5 February 2025 at 17:00 AEDT.
2024 Brain Cancer Discovery and Translation Grant Opportunity (GO7224)
- Minimum data by Wednesday 22 January 2025 at 17:00 AEDT
- Applications close on Wednesday 5 February 2025 at 17:00 AEDT.
Details on how to apply for MRFF grant opportunities and all MRFF close dates are available on GrantConnect. Applicants are reminded that only applicants who completed minimum data by the due date can apply. It is also the applicant’s responsibility to ensure they meet all eligibility requirements, including limits on the number of times a person can be named as a Chief Investigator on applications submitted to a grant opportunity.
Applicants should ensure:
• their Sapphire account is active or access to Sapphire has been requested,
• their organisation is an approved MRFF Eligible Organisation before the close date, and
• any intended participating institutions are listed in Sapphire or request that a new participating institution be added by emailing help@nhmrc.gov.au, including the institution's website address (URL) and ABN (if applicable).
MRFF grant assessment committee self-nomination
Register your interest to become a member of a MRFF grant assessment committee.
Institutional Annual Compliance Report survey
The 2024 Institutional Annual Compliance Report (IACR) survey will open on Monday 3 February 2025 and close on Friday 14 March 2025 at 17:00 AEDT.
All Administering Institutions (AI) are required to respond to the survey to retain NHMRC AI status. The survey details ongoing compliance with the NHMRC Funding Agreement and other relevant policies for the previous year.
AIs will receive survey links in February 2025.
Further information is available on the IACR reporting section of NHMRC's website.
Please email administering.institutions@nhmrc.gov.au with any questions.
See previous editions of Tracker.
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