The Centres of Research Excellence (CRE) scheme provides support for teams of researchers to pursue collaborative research and develop capacity in basic science research, clinical research, health services research and public health research.

The objective of the CRE scheme is to improve health outcomes and promote or improve translation of research outcomes into policy and/or practice. The CRE scheme will also support researchers in capacity building activities, including in specific areas of need identified by NHMRC.

The intended outcomes of the CRE scheme are to:

  • support the conduct and development of innovative, high quality, collaborative research
  • promote effective translation of research into knowledge gain, health policy and/or practice
  • foster and build capacity and capability in the health and medical research workforce
  • provide opportunities to expand and improve collaborations between research teams.

It is anticipated that funding will be available across five application streams in the 2025 CRE grant opportunity:

  1. Basic Science Research
  2. Clinical Research
  3. Health Services Research
  4. Public Health Research
  5. One Health Research.

Peer review of CRE grants

For information on the CRE peer review process refer to the Centres of Research Excellence Peer Review Guidelines published on GrantConnect.

Grant at a glance

Duration of funding

5 years

Level of funding

CREs in Basic Science Research, Clinical Research, Health Services Research, Public Health Research and One Health Research – $3,000,000

Key changes

The following key changes are anticipated for the CRE 2025 Grant Opportunity Guidelines. Refer to the Forecast Opportunity on GrantConnect

  • Stemming from the Indigenous Research Excellence Criteria Review, all applicants are required to describe how their proposed research could benefit Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander health and contribute to Closing the Gap targets. The response will be considered by peer reviewers in the overall assessment of the application.  
  • CRE score descriptors have been amended to include assessment of the alignment between the objectives of the proposed research and the objectives of the CRE scheme and application stream.
  • Funding for one CRE grant focused on venom research through the Basic Science Research, Clinical Research, Health Services Research or Public Health Research streams. 
  • In partnership with the Department of Foreign Affairs and Trade, funding for two CRE in One Health Research grants.

Outcomes of funding rounds

Before you submit an application, please make sure you have:


Grant submission advice

Read all relevant reference material

GrantConnect GO Documents


Liaise with your Administering Institution

to identify any specific requirements that the institution may have


Ensure your application is complete and correct.