We have published a wealth of information on Australian health and medical research, and on specific issues relating to Australian health and health care. These include statements, strategies, guidelines and other reports – all of which are publicly available.
Read our latest publications
Australian guidelines to reduce health risks from drinking alcohol
This page provides access to the full guidelines and the underlying evidence base.
A plain English summary and resources to help you apply the guidelines in daily life are available on alcohol health advice.
The guidelines provide health professionals, policy makers and the Australian community with evidence-based advice on the health effects of drinking alcohol. The guidelines aim to help individuals make informed decisions about drinking alcohol. The guidelines are also intended to form the evidence base for policy making and educational materials.
Annual Report 2019-20
This report contains information on NHMRC administration and performance, and a record of our activities for the reporting period 2019–20.
An accessible version of this document is available on the Transparency Portal.
NHMRC Corporate Plan 2020-21
The NHMRC Corporate Plan 2020-21 covers the four years to 2023-24. In line with legislated requirements, it identifies major health issues likely to arise, how NHMRC will deal with these issues (including the continuing impact of COVID-19) and our strategy for health and medical research. It also details the key activities NHMRC will undertake to achieve our purposes, and the operating context in which we work, comprising: environment, capability, risk oversight and management, and organisations NHMRC cooperates with to achieve our purposes.
Embryo Research Licensing Committee Report to Parliament - 1 September 2019 to 29 February 2020
The 35th biannual report
Measuring up 2018
Measuring up 2018 is a five-year bibliometric analysis of the scientific publication output of Australian health and medical research, focusing on research funded by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC).
Report: NHMRC's Research Quality Workshop
This Report from NHMRC’s Research Quality Workshop on 30 July 2019 outlines key messages, activities and initiatives within the research sector, and potential opportunities for collaboration to ensure the conduct of high quality research. Outcomes from the workshop will inform NHMRC’s ongoing activities to ensure the highest quality in NHMRC-funded research.
Policy on Recognition of Supporting Partners 2019
NHMRC’s Policy on Recognition acknowledges the role of Partners who support NHMRC in health and medical research. It sets out a strategy to recognise current and potential NHMRC Partners and how Partners recognise NHMRC.
Annual Report 2018-19
This report contains information on NHMRC administration and performance, and a record of our activities for the reporting period 2018–19. An accessible version of this document is available on the Transparency Portal.
Payment of participants in research: information for researchers, HRECs and other ethics review bodies
NHMRC has developed advice that is designed to provide information for researchers and reviewers of research to assist in decision-making about when payment of participants in research is ethically acceptable.
Information paper: The implementation of the 3Rs in Australia
The fundamental framework for the ethical, humane and responsible care and use of animals for scientific purposes in Australia includes the application of the 3Rs – Replacement, Reduction and Refinement of animal use. This Information Paper provides information about the implementation of the 3Rs in Australia. For further information, please refer to the webpage about the 3Rs.
NHMRC Corporate Plan 2019-20
The NHMRC Corporate Plan 2019-20 covers the period 2019-20 to 2022-23. It identifies the major health issues for this period, how we will deal with these issues and a strategy for medical research and public health research, in line with the requirements of the NHMRC Act. It also describes NHMRC’s purposes, planned activities and performance measures for the period and addresses our capability, environment and risk oversight and management.
Embryo Research Licensing Committee Report to Parliament - 1 March to 31 August 2019
The 34th biannual report
ME/CFS Advisory Committee Report to NHMRC Chief Executive Officer
This report advises the NHMRC Chief Executive Officer on the current needs for research and clinical guidance for ME/CFS in Australia.
Embryo Research Licensing Committee Report to Parliament – 1 September 2018 to 28 February 2019
The 33rd biannual report
Australian Guidelines for the Prevention and Control of Infection in Healthcare (2019)
The guidelines are produced by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) in collaboration with the Australian Commission on Safety and Quality in Healthcare, and are published on the MAGICapp platform.
NHMRC's Research Quality Strategy
Ensuring the highest quality and value of NHMRC-funded research is a priority for NHMRC. NHMRC’s Research Quality Strategy outlines the key areas NHMRC will focus on to provide guidance and support for good research practices throughout the research cycle.
Embryo Research Licensing Committee Report to Parliament - 1 March 2018 to 31 August 2018
The 32nd biannual report.
Competencies for Australian Academic Clinical Trialists
In conjunction with the Australian Clinical Trials Alliance, we developed the clinical trials competencies to be used in the development of detailed curricula and training courses by universities, Colleges and other registered training organisations*.
NHMRC Good Practice Process for Site Assessment and Authorisation of Clinical Trials
To improve clinical trial start-up times, we developed the Good Practice Process for Site Assessment and Authorisation Phases of Clinical Trial Research Governance (the Good Practice Process).
National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2007) - Updated 2018
The rescinded National Statement on Ethical Conduct in Human Research (2007) (National Statement (2007), and as updated, consists of a series of guidelines made in accordance with the National Health and Medical Research Council Act 1992.
Embryo Research Licensing Committee report to Parliament - 1 September 2017 to 28 February 2018
The 31st biannual report.
Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research 2018
The Australian Code for the Responsible Conduct of Research, 2018 (the 2018 Code) establishes a framework for responsible research conduct that provides a foundation for high-quality research, credibility and community trust in the research endeavour.
Road Map 3 - Report of Community Consultations
Road Map 3: A strategic framework for improving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health through research. Report of Community Consultations.
Linked to:
Road Map 3 – A strategic framework
Road Map 3: A strategic framework for improving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health through research.
Linked to:
Embryo research licensing: key terms
A useful guide explaining key terms used in embryo research. Provides definitions of the main terms used, including biological definitions and therapy explanations.
Embryo Research Licensing Committee information kit
This Kit is divided into five chapters, covering different aspects of the NHMRC Embryo Research Licensing Committee’s activities:
Managing individual exposure to lead in Australia
Managing individual exposure to lead in Australia – A guide for health practitioners (The Guide) provides health practitioners with general information to assist in the management of individuals with elevated blood lead levels.
Best practice methodology in the use of animals for scientific purposes
This document provides advice on the conduct of animal-based studies to ensure that the studies are rigorous, transparent and reproducible and lead to useful outcomes. It is in line with the Australian Code for the care and use of animals for scientific purposes, 8th edition (2013), which is adopted into legislation across Australia.
2017 Public Statement – Water fluoridation and human health
Based on a comprehensive review of the evidence and the translation of this evidence into the Information Paper Water fluoridation: dental and other human health outcomes, this also takes into consideration what the situation is here in Australia compared to elsewhere.
10 of the Best 2016
10 of the Best NHMRC research projects 2016 describes 10 Australian health and medical research projects chosen from among the thousands of NHMRC-funded medical research projects underway in Australia.
Embryo Research Licensing Committee report to Parliament - 1 March 2017 to 31 August 2017
The 30th biannual report.
Water fluoridation: dental and other human health outcomes
This Information Paper explores the potential link between water fluoridation and human health based. The 2016 NHMRC Evidence Evaluation shows that water fluoridation helps to reduce tooth decay in children and adults. There is no reliable evidence that water fluoridation at current Australian levels causes health problems.
Promoting social and emotional development and wellbeing of infants in pregnancy and the first year of life
This report Promoting social and emotional development and wellbeing of infants in pregnancy and the first year of life: a NHMRC report on the evidence summarises findings of the evaluation of evidence on the effectiveness of interventions delivered in pregnancy or the first postpartum year.
Ethical guidelines on the use of assisted reproductive technology
The Ethical guidelines on the use of assisted reproductive technology in clinical practice and research (ART guidelines) are used by professional organisations to set standards for the practice of ART. The 2023 update includes the addition of Part D to support the ethical introduction of mitochondrial donation into ART in Australia, along with minor administrative updates to the 2017 guidelines.
Embryo Research Licensing Committee report to Parliament - 1 September 2016 to 31 February 2017
The 29th biannual report
Safety monitoring and reporting in clinical trials involving therapeutic goods
This document clarifies the responsibilities of those involved in clinical trials to monitor and report adverse events and other safety issues. Supplementary guidance on other clinical trial safety monitoring and reporting issues is also available*.
Principles and guidelines for the care and use of non-human primates for scientific purposes
This document provides principles and best practice guidance for the care and use of non-human primates for scientific purposes. The document is intended for use by those involved in the care and use of non-human primates for scientific purposes, including institutional animal ethics committees, investigators and animal carers.
Statement on consumer and community involvement in health and medical research
The Statement on consumer and community involvement in health and medical research (The Statement), co-authored by the National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) and the Consumers Health Forum of Australia (CHF), aims to guide research institutions, researchers, consumers and community members in the active involvement of consumers and community members in all aspects of health and medical research.
Embryo Research Licensing Committee report to Parliament - 1 March 2016 to 31 August 2016
The 28th biannual report.
10 of the Best 2015
10 of the Best NHMRC research projects 2015 describes 10 Australian health and medical research projects chosen from among the thousands of NHMRC-funded medical research projects in Australia.
Ethical guidelines for organ transplantation from deceased donors
The Ethical guidelines for organ transplantation from deceased donors were developed by NHMRC following a joint request from the Organ and Tissue Authority and the Transplantation Society of Australia and New Zealand.
Embryo Research Licensing Committee report to Parliament - 1 September 2015 to 29 February 2016
The 27th biannual report.
Principles for accessing and using publicly funded data for health research
A guide to the legislative and governance structure to refer to when accessing datasets from publicly funded research. This page also contains a single page summary to the guide and a consumer guide.
Embryo Research Licensing Committee report to Parliament - 1 March 2015 to 31 August 2015
The 26th biannual report.
Clinical ethics capacity building resource manual
This manual demonstrates the need for clinical ethics capacity in Australian health care organisations and provides guidance for institutions wishing to establish or strengthen an existing clinical ethics service.
10 of the Best 2014
10 of the Best research projects 2014 describes 10 Australian health and medical research projects chosen from among the thousands of NHMRC-funded medical research projects underway in Australia.
Evidence on the effects of lead on human health
This Statement and Information Paper were designed to inform the community and policy makers of the effects of lead on the human body. Evidence has shown an association with reduced academic achievement, behavioural problems, increased blood pressure and delayed sexual maturation.
Expert review: Effects of lead on human health: expert review
This expert review is the summary of key issues from the report Evidence on the Effects of Lead on Human Health.
Administrative report: Evidence on the effects of lead on human health
This Administrative report: Information Paper: Evidence on the effects of lead on human health refers to the development of the Information paper and Statement as well as background documents relating to the assessment of the evidence on the health effects of lead.