2021 Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Report Card of Achievements

This is an annual report card focused on the achievements made in 2021 against the Road Map 3 Action Plan for the 2018–21 Triennium. NHMRC continues to work with the Principal Committee Indigenous Caucus (PCIC) on all actions in the Action Plan.

NHMRC is committed to a 5% spend or more of the Medical Research Endowment Account (MREA) on Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health and medical research.
Indigenous Expenditure 2021 Infographic
PUBLIC HEALTH AND HEALTH SERVICES was the top field of research in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health research funding with $29,356,887 spent


Active* research grants in Indigenous health


Spent on Indigenous health research


Funding of the MREA for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health research
*All grants being paid in 2021

National Network for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Research

A team of 91 investigators have come together to establish the National Network for First Nations Researchers. This represents the largest cohort of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander researchers ever assembled with a single goal of growing the next generation of research leaders. This initiative is a critical part of the NHMRC framework for improving Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health. 

Community Engagement

NHMRC is committed to engaging with Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples and communities. The 2021 NHMRC Public Call for priority areas of research in Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health resulted in 32 submissions which are currently being considered by the Principal Committee Indigenous Caucus for potential future Targeted Calls for Research.

2020 NHMRC Sandra Eades Investigator Grant Award

The NHMRC Sandra Eades Investigator Grant Award is named to honour Professor Sandra Eades AO FAHMS FASSA, who was the first Indigenous medical practitioner to be awarded a Doctor of Philosophy. The award is given to the top-ranked Indigenous researcher grant recipient in the Emerging Leadership Category of Investigator Grants. Associate Professor Luke Burchill was the recipient of the 2020 NHMRC Sandra Eades
Investigator Grant Award.

Associate Professor Luke Burchill is Australia’s first Aboriginal cardiologist and his clinical leadership and research in the field of adult congenital heart disease are recognised internationally. He is a proud member of the Yorta Yorta and Dja Dja Wurrung Nations and Associate Professor of Medicine at the Royal Melbourne Hospital.

*Image: Associate Professor Luke Burchill 
Headshot of Associate Professor Luke Burchill

PCIC is appointed on a triennial basis and provides advice and works with NHMRC Council and CEO on issues relating to guide and direct Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health research. Professor Sandra Eades was chair of PCIC and also a member of NHMRC Council for the 2018-2021 triennium.

Professor Yvonne Cadet-James is the current chair of PCIC and also a
member of NHMRC Council for the 2021–2024 triennium. 

NHMRC is committed to building and strengthening capacity of Indigenous researchers. In 2021:

50 NHMRC active* grants were led by Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander researchers
131 Aboriginal and/or Torres Strait Islander researchers on active* grants were funded by NHMRC
Photograph of PCIC Members
PCIC Members Left to right: Associate Professor Maree Toombs, Dr Sean Taylor, Professor Gail Garvey,
Professor Catherine Chamberlain, Professor Yvonne Cadet-James, Associate Professor
Alwin Chong, Professor Yvette Roe, Dr Kalinda Griffiths
*All grants being paid in 2020

The Tripartite Agreement on International Indigenous health is an agreement with the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR), and the Health Research Council of New Zealand to strengthen the capacity and capability of Indigenous health and medical researchers.

In 2021 members attended the CIHR Knowledge Mobilization event on COVID-19 and First Nations communities. Professor Catherine Chamberlain gave a presentation at this event and Professor Yvonne Cadet-James delivered the closing remarks.

Indigenous Internship Program group photo

NHMRC Indigenous Internship Program

NHMRC offers opportunities for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students enrolled in an undergraduate or postgraduate degree in a health, medical research or science related field to take up an internship in the agency. In 2021-22 NHMRC offered three Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander students a summer virtual internship. (Left to right – Emily McDonald, Sharna Motlap and Sara Lai).

Download Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Report Card of Achievements 2021