The National Health and Medical Research Council (NHMRC) – European Union (EU) Collaborative Research Grant Scheme supports Australian participation in leading international collaborative research under Horizon Europe, which is the EU’s key funding program for research and innovation. Horizon Europe facilitates collaboration and strengthens the impact of research and innovation while tackling global challenges. It supports the creation and better dispersion of excellent knowledge and technologies.

NHMRC selects topics that align with the health priorities identified in the NHMRC Corporate Plan, and are guided by the principles of the NHMRC’s International Engagement Strategy 2023–2026 to support collaborative approaches to health and medical research internationally.

Programme Description

NHMRC will invite Australian researchers who are listed on eligible applications deemed fundable by the European Commission to apply to NHMRC for support of the Australian component of research under the following topics submitted through the two-stage deadline model: 

  • HORIZON-HLTH-2024-STAYHLTH-01-05-two-stage: Personalised prevention of non-communicable diseases - addressing areas of unmet need using multiple data sources
  • HORIZON-HLTH-2024-ENVHLTH-02-06-two-stage: The role of environmental pollution in non-communicable diseases: air, noise, and light, and hazardous waste pollution
  • HORIZON-HLTH-2024-DISEASE-03-08-two-stage: Comparative effectiveness research for healthcare interventions in areas of high public health need
  • HORIZON-HLTH-2024-DISEASE-03-11-two-stage: Pandemic preparedness and response: Adaptive platform trials for pandemic preparedness

and submitted through the single-stage deadline model:

  • HORIZON-HLTH-2024-DISEASE-08-20: Pandemic preparedness and response: Host pathogen interactions for infectious diseases with epidemic potential.

Further information about Horizon Europe topics can be found on the European Commission’s webpage.

Application Process

  • European Commission invites submissions against advertised research topics
  • European Commission conducts peer review
  • European Commission advises NHMRC Administering Institution/s of favourable evaluations
  • NHMRC Administering Institution/s notify NHMRC of applicant details
  • NHMRC will invite Australian researchers who are listed on eligible applications deemed fundable by the European Commission to apply to NHMRC for support of the Australian component of research by submitting an application in Sapphire
  • NHMRC reviews the budget requested for the Australian components of the research
  • Funding recommendations approval process.


  • The NHMRC-EU scheme has eligibility criteria and applications will be excluded from consideration if eligibility requirements are not met:
  • Australian applicants must be listed on eligible applications deemed fundable by the European Commission
  • The Administering Institution for the NHMRC-EU scheme application must be listed as an Associated Partner in the EU application
  • Evidence, such as the EU grant agreement or a letter from the EU, which indicates that the relevant EU application has been evaluated favourably and will proceed to the preparation of the grant agreement
  • Applications must be under the selected topics as listed by NHMRC

Grant at a glance

Duration of funding
Up to 5 years
Level of funding

Before you submit an application, please make sure you have:


Grant submission advice

Read all relevant reference material

GrantConnect GO Documents


Liaise with your Administering Institution

to identify any specific requirements that the institution may have


Ensure your application is complete and correct.