NHMRC and the Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) have developed the 2024 NHMRC-CIHR CCNA: Indigenous health research grant opportunity through Phase III of the Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA). The CCNA is Canada’s national consortium for research involving neurodegenerative diseases that affect cognition in aging, including Alzheimer's disease.

NHMRC will support up to 2 Canadian-Australian collaborative teams undertaking research that advances the field of research in any of the recognised forms of dementia, specifically in Indigenous populations, focusing on either:

  • The development, implementation, evaluation and/or scaling of Indigenous-led, and/or culturally appropriate and Indigenous-grounded approaches to risk reduction, early detection, diagnosis and assessment of age-related neurodegenerative diseases; and/or
  • The development, implementation, evaluation and/or scaling of Indigenous-led, and/or culturally appropriate and Indigenous-grounded approaches to different models of care for age-related neurodegenerative diseases in Indigenous Peoples and communities.

This grant opportunity will support projects relevant to its specific objectives in the 3 CCNA research thematic areas. All applications are required to identify the research theme(s) relevant to their proposal to be considered for funding:

  • Theme 1: Primary Prevention - Aimed at preventing disease from occurring, through the identification of mechanisms and/or conditions responsible for the neurodegenerative processes that lead to Alzheimer’s Disease and related dementias.
  • Theme 2: Secondary Prevention and Treatment - Focused on delaying or slowing the clinical manifestations or progression of the already developing disease through better understanding of mechanisms, diagnosis and early intervention. 
  • Theme 3: Quality of Life - Designed for helping individuals, care partners and the health system to cope with clinically manifested disease, by improving quality of life, improving access to quality care and enabling the healthcare system to increase efficiencies in dementia care.

Application Process

  • Applicants from the Australia-based team must submit an application as outlined in the 2024 NHMRC-CIHR Canadian Consortium on Neurodegeneration in Aging (CCNA): Indigenous Health Research Grant Opportunity Guidelines by the NHMRC application closing date.
  • Canada-based partners are responsible for submitting a completed application to CIHR through ResearchNet, in line with CIHR’s application closing dates.
  • NHMRC conducts eligibility checks for Australian collaborations.
  • NHMRC conducts Indigenous Research Excellence Criteria review.
  • CIHR conducts relevancy review.
  • CIHR conducts peer review of applications submitted.
  • Funding recommendation approval process


Eligibility is dependent on the following:

  • The Chief Investigator A (CIA) and their associated Australian Administering Institution must be named as a Principal Applicant in the CIHR application submitted to the CIHR ResearchNet.
  • The Canada-based Nominated Principal Applicant (NPA) of the CIHR collaborating project must be listed in the research team as the CIB in the application to NHMRC.  
  • Other Australia-based researchers listed on the CIHR application must be identified as CIs (CIC-CIJ) or Associate Investigators (AIs) in the application to NHMRC.
  • The CIA and the Administering Institution must ensure applications and grants meet all eligibility requirements as set out in the guidelines.
  • The corresponding CIHR application has met CIHR specific eligibility requirements in the CCNA Phase III: Research Teams call text which is available on ResearchNet.

Frequently Asked Questions

A Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) webpage was created in response to questions submitted during the joint NHMRC-CIHR Applicant Webinar held on 25 September 2024. The FAQs are available on the CIHR website.

Grant at a glance

Duration of funding
4 years
Level of funding

Before you submit an application, please make sure you have:


Grant submission advice

Read all relevant reference material

GrantConnect GO Documents


Liaise with your Administering Institution

to identify any specific requirements that the institution may have


Ensure your application is complete and correct.