We regularly publish reports on the scientific publication output and the citation impact of NHMRC-funded research and of Australian health and medical research more broadly.

Some of these reports are listed below (note that many of these are available on the Australian Government web archive):

The most recent report, Measuring Up 2018, analyses all Australian biomedical research publications published in peer-reviewed journals during 2008  to 2012 and indexed in the Thomson Reuters Web of Science database. . 

NHMRC-Funded Research Publications

As part of  implementing our open access policy, we would like to ensure the widest possible dissemination of the research publications supported by our funding. We would also like to ensure the greatest possible access to these publications. The combination of early dissemination and greater access will help to maximise the benefits derived from the results of research.

The National Library of Australia works with most of our administering institutions to bring together their research outputs in a single place – Trove. Trove provides a free search platform to help the public find the journal articles, book chapters, conference papers and much more created by Australian researchers.

You can search just the NHMRC-funded publications in Trove from this webpage. Type in your search term and click the ‘Submit’ button to see all relevant articles. Click through to read the original publication on the institution’s website.

Note: Some articles have a 12 month embargo from the date of publication and you may not be able to read them right away. Contact the institution directly to see if they can provide you with a working copy. While not every NHMRC-funded research publication is available in Trove yet, the coverage is growing every day so if you don’t find what you’re looking for the first time, repeat your search a few weeks later.